Cara Memperbaiki Volume Tv Sharp Lcd

Televisi tajam tiba pada berbagai model dengan fitur yg berbedauntuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen.Meskipun semua model televisi Sharp yang memiliki fitur yang tidak selaras,beberapa perkara yang muncul, seperti perkara dengan volume televisi,yg umum pada antara semua contoh.Masalah bunyi yang paling tidakmemerlukan kebutuhan teknisi servis.Memecahkan perkara & memperbaikimasalah sendiri untuk berhemat waktu dan porto menurut memiliki televisidilayani.Instruksi1

Tekan "Vol +" tombol beberapa kali atau "Mute" tombol dalam remotecontrol buat meningkatkan volume.Dalam banyak masalah, volume ditolakatau "Mute" tombol ditekan.The "Mute" fitur otomatis menutup setelah30 mnt, namun volume tidak balikke pengaturan sebelumnya.Andaperlu secara manual menaikkan volume dalam kasus ini. 2

Mengubah "Output Pilih" pilihan audio buat "Tetap" bila Anda tidakmenggunakan speaker eksternal.Jika diatur ke "Variabel," adalahspeaker televisi diredam.Untuk membarui "Output Pilih" pengaturan, tekan tombol "Menu" tomboldan pakai tombol panah kanan atau kiri buat menyorot "Options."Sorot "Output Pilih" & tekan "Enter".Gunakan tombol panah kananuntuk beralih ke "Tetap" dan tekan "Enter" lagi.Keluar berdasarkan menu utamadengan menekan tombol "Menu" tombol. tiga

Periksa koneksi kabel speaker eksternal jika Anda menggunakan speakereksternal buat audio.Pastikan kabel speaker yg terpasang ke "AudioOutput" atau "Digital Audio Output" jack pada bagian belakang televisi.Selain itu, pastikan ujung-ujung kabel yg terpasang ke jack speakersurround sound receiver atau.Lihat dokumentasi yang disertakan menggunakan speaker atau surround soundsystem untuk keterangan tentang menghubungkan speaker ke televisi. 4

Mengamankan kabel video perangkat eksternal ke jack "Audio Input" dibagian belakang televisi jika Anda tidak mempunyai suara ketika menontonDVD disk atau tape VCR atau waktu sebuah komputer atau kamera videodigital terhubung ke televisi Anda.Selain itu, mengamankan kabel kejack "Audio Output" pada perangkat Anda terhubung ke televisi Anda.How to Fix the Volume on a Sharp Television

Sharptelevisions come in a variety of models with different features to meetthe needs of consumers. Though all Sharp television models havedifferent features, some problems that arise, such as issues with thetelevision's volume, are common among all models. Most sound problems donot require the need of a service technician. Troubleshoot and fix theproblems yourself to save the time and expense of having the televisionserviced.Instructions1

Press the "Vol +" button several times or the "Mute" button on theremote control to raise the volume. In many cases, the volume was turneddown or the "Mute" button was pressed. The "Mute" feature automaticallyshuts off after 30 minutes, but the volume is not returned to theprevious setting. You need to manually raise the volume in this case.dua

Change the "Output Select" audio option to "Fixed" if you are notusing external speakers. When set to "Variable," the television speakersare muted. To change the "Output Select" setting, press the "Menu"button and use the right or left arrow buttons to highlight "Options."Highlight "Output Select" and press the "Enter" button. Use the rightarrow button to switch to "Fixed" and press "Enter" again. Exit the mainmenu by pressing the "Menu" button.tiga

Check the external speaker wire connections if you are using externalspeakers for audio. Ensure the speaker wires are securely plugged intothe "Audio Output" or "Digital Audio Output" jacks on the back of thetelevision. In addition, make sure the opposite ends of the wires aresecurely plugged into the speaker jacks or surround sound receiver.Refer to the documentation supplied with your speakers or surround soundsystem for information on connecting the speakers to the television.4

Secure the external video device cables to the "Audio Input" jacks onthe back of the television if you do not have sound when watching a DVDdisc or VCR tape or when a computer or digital video camera isconnected to your television. In addition, secure the wires to the"Audio Output" jacks on the device you are connecting to yourtelevision.

Read more : to Fix the Volume on a Sharp Television

Sharptelevisions come in a variety of models with different features to meetthe needs of consumers. Though all Sharp television models havedifferent features, some problems that arise, such as issues with thetelevision's volume, are common among all models. Most sound problems donot require the need of a service technician. Troubleshoot and fix theproblems yourself to save the time and expense of having the televisionserviced.Instructions1

Press the "Vol +" button several times or the "Mute" button on theremote control to raise the volume. In many cases, the volume was turneddown or the "Mute" button was pressed. The "Mute" feature automaticallyshuts off after 30 minutes, but the volume is not returned to theprevious setting. You need to manually raise the volume in this case.dua

Change the "Output Select" audio option to "Fixed" if you are notusing external speakers. When set to "Variable," the television speakersare muted. To change the "Output Select" setting, press the "Menu"button and use the right or left arrow buttons to highlight "Options."Highlight "Output Select" and press the "Enter" button. Use the rightarrow button to switch to "Fixed" and press "Enter" again. Exit the mainmenu by pressing the "Menu" button.3

Check the external speaker wire connections if you are using externalspeakers for audio. Ensure the speaker wires are securely plugged intothe "Audio Output" or "Digital Audio Output" jacks on the back of thetelevision. In addition, make sure the opposite ends of the wires aresecurely plugged into the speaker jacks or surround sound receiver.Refer to the documentation supplied with your speakers or surround soundsystem for information on connecting the speakers to the television.4

Secure the external video device cables to the "Audio Input" jacks onthe back of the television if you do not have sound when watching a DVDdisc or VCR tape or when a computer or digital video camera isconnected to your television. In addition, secure the wires to the"Audio Output" jacks on the device you are connecting to yourtelevision.

Read more : to Fix the Volume on a Sharp Television

Sharptelevisions come in a variety of models with different features to meetthe needs of consumers. Though all Sharp television models havedifferent features, some problems that arise, such as issues with thetelevision's volume, are common among all models. Most sound problems donot require the need of a service technician. Troubleshoot and fix theproblems yourself to save the time and expense of having the televisionserviced.Instructions1

Press the "Vol +" button several times or the "Mute" button on theremote control to raise the volume. In many cases, the volume was turneddown or the "Mute" button was pressed. The "Mute" feature automaticallyshuts off after 30 minutes, but the volume is not returned to theprevious setting. You need to manually raise the volume in this case.2

Change the "Output Select" audio option to "Fixed" if you are notusing external speakers. When set to "Variable," the television speakersare muted. To change the "Output Select" setting, press the "Menu"button and use the right or left arrow buttons to highlight "Options."Highlight "Output Select" and press the "Enter" button. Use the rightarrow button to switch to "Fixed" and press "Enter" again. Exit the mainmenu by pressing the "Menu" button.tiga

Check the external speaker wire connections if you are using externalspeakers for audio. Ensure the speaker wires are securely plugged intothe "Audio Output" or "Digital Audio Output" jacks on the back of thetelevision. In addition, make sure the opposite ends of the wires aresecurely plugged into the speaker jacks or surround sound receiver.Refer to the documentation supplied with your speakers or surround soundsystem for information on connecting the speakers to the television.4

Secure the external video device cables to the "Audio Input" jacks onthe back of the television if you do not have sound when watching a DVDdisc or VCR tape or when a computer or digital video camera isconnected to your television. In addition, secure the wires to the"Audio Output" jacks on the device you are connecting to yourtelevision.

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